OMEGA Lab Welcomes New PhD Student Xin Song

16 March, 2017

The OMEGA Lab is excited to welcome Xin Song as our first PhD student! Xin studied chemistry at the College of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Nanjing Tech University, where he was awarded his B.Sc. in 2013. He then went on to complete his Masters at Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing Tech Univeristy in 2016, with a specialty in Organic Functional Materials and Devices. In recognition of his academic achievements during his Masters, Xin was awarded the National Prize for Outstanding Graduating Dissertation and Excellent Work.

At such a young age, Xin has already published papers, and currently working on new papers. His main research interest lies in the area of non-fullerene small molecule acceptor solar cells, design and fabrication of ternary blend organic solar cells and interfacial engineering in organic solar cells.

Welcome to our lab, Xin!​