Get to know Post-Doc Eloïse Bihar

10 October, 2017

Eloï​se Bihar received her engineering degree from Grenoble INP-Pagora. She is specialized in printing and biomaterials. From 2011 to 2013, she was a research engineer in the flexible electronics department at the Centre of Microelectronics in Provence of the Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne and working on the development of inkjet processes for microelectronics applications. Then she obtained a PhD from the Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne in France in the department of bioelectronics (BEL) funded by a CIFRE fellowship under the supervision of Prof. George Malliaras. During her PhD, her research was focusing on the fabrication of printed electrodes for medical devices using biocompatible substrates and conducting polymers.

Eloise’s current research focuses on the fabrication of printed autonomous biosensors for monitoring human metabolites. She aims to develop cutaneous, minimally invasive and conformable sensors mounted on the skin.

She likes playing volleyball, practicing salsa, and travelling.​