Emily Bezerra

Masters Students


Research Interests

Emily's research interests are related to organic materials for electronic devices, electronic skin sensors, printing processes and device characterization 

Selected Publications

Corzo, D., Bihar, E., Alexandre, E. B., Rosas-Villalva, D., & Baran, D. (2020). Ink Engineering of Transport Layers for 9.5% Efficient All-Printed Semitransparent Nonfullerene Solar Cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 2005763. doi:10.1002/adfm.202005763


  • B.Sc., Science and Technology with emphasis in Materials Science, UFRN, Natal, Brazil, 2019
  • B.Sc., Materials Engineering, UFRN, Natal, Brazil, 2020

Professional Profile

  • 2019: Visiting Student, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
  • 2020-current: M.Sc. Student, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Research Interests Keywords

Printing processes