Printed organic electronics for solar cells, thermoelectric generators, and light-emitting displays
Deformable and see-through electronics using flexible/stretchable transparent electrodes
Development of conducting/semiconducting polymers and polyelectrolytes and their applications in organic electronics
Controlling self-assembly of molecules and polymers via solution process
Charge dynamics in organic electronic materials
Selected Publications
Highly Deformable and See-through Polymer Light-emitting Diodes with All Conducting Polymer Electrodes Seyoung Kee, Nara Kim, Byungwook Park, Bong Seong Kim, Soonil Hong, Jong-Hoon Lee, Soyeong Jeong, Ahryun Kim, Soo-Young Jang, Kwanghee Lee Advance
Materials, 30, 1703437 (2018)
Controlling Molecular Ordering in Aqueous Conducting Polymers Using Ionic Liquids Seyoung Kee, Nara Kim, Bong Seong Kim, Seongjin Park, Yun Hee Jang, Seoung Ho Lee, Jehan Kim, Junghwan Kim, Sooncheol Kwon, Kwanghee Lee Advance Materials, 28, 8625-8631
Highly Conductive PEDOT:PSS Nanofibrils Induced by Solution-Processed Crystallization Nara Kim, Seyoung Kee, Seoung Ho Lee, Byoung Hoon Lee, Yung Ho Kahng, Yong-Ryun Jo, Bong-Joong Kim, Kwanghee Lee Advanced Materials, 26, 2268-2272 (2014)
Highly Stretchable and Highly Conductive PEDOT:PSS/Ionic Liquid Composite Transparent Electrodes for Solution-Processed Stretchable Electronics Mei Ying Teo, Nara Kim, Seyoung Kee, Bong Seong Kim, Geunjin Kim, Soonil Hong, Suhyun Jung, Kwanghee Lee ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9, 819-826 (2017)
Conformational and Spectroscopic Properties of π-Extended, Bipyrrole-Fused Rubyrin and Sapphyrin Derivatives Se-Young Kee, Jong Min Lim, Soo-Jin Kim, Jaeduk Yoo, Jung-Su Park, Tridib Sarma, Vincent M. Lynch, Pradeepta K. Panda, Jonathan L. Sessler,
Dongho Kim Chang-Hee Lee
B.Sc., Chemistry, Kangwon National University, Chun-Chon, South Korea, 2008
M.Sc., Chemistry, Kangwon National University, Chun-Chon, South Korea, 2010
Ph.D., Nanobio Materials and Electronics, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea, 2017
Scientific and Professional Membership
2011-2013: Research Scientist, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea
2017-2017: Postdoctoral fellow, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, South Korea
2017-Present: Postdoctoral fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia